Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Phil Ball in Spain

I watched Sevilla versus Deportivo on Saturday night, since it seemed as good a way as any to escape from the Real Madrid-based twitterings and twerpings of the last few days. It was a good game too, and one in which Sevilla showed why they won't quite make it this season and Deportivo showed why they still might.

Then again, Sevilla are in the King's Cup final, but one of the events of a newsworthy week was yet another frustrated meeting between the Spanish Federation and the two finalists (Atlético Madrid are the others) which failed to agree on either a date or a stadium. They'd better tell the King soon, however, because by the end of May he's usually donning his Bermudas and hoisting the mainsail.


Bobbie BS said...

I'm not normally one to quibble with Mr Ball, but I can't let this pass:

"It banishes the idea, once and for all, that immediate success can be bought, and reinforces the idea that Xabi Alonso is in fact their key player."

So is the problem that they spent too much on players or that they didn't play a guy they bought last summer?

The Editor said...

I would argue that immediate success can be bought, but you have to purchase the right mix of players, not a bunch of whiny egomaniacs. As for Alonso, he is the type of player who is key wherever he plays, be it Sociedad, Liverpool or Madrid. He pulls the strings, as it were.