Six games into the domestic season with a couple of Champions League ties under their belts, it’s worth taking a look at England’s big four clubs in relation to the strikers at their disposal.
SSN is a digest of the day's soccer/football/futbol articles with a focus on the top European leagues and the United States National Team. Below, you’ll find links to articles and video, as well as additional features and commentary. We locate the top news of the day so you can stay updated with ease.
This is spectacular. Who knew Joe Kinnear sounds so much like Ricky Gervais?
JK Which one is Simon Bird [Daily Mirror's north-east football writer]?
SB Me.
JK You're a cunt.
SB Thank you.
JK Which one is Hickman [Niall, football writer for the Express]? You are out of order. Absolutely fucking out of order. If you do it again, I am telling you you can fuck off and go to another ground. I will not come and stand for that fucking crap. No fucking way, lies. Fuck, you're saying I turned up and they [Newcastle's players] fucked off.
SB No Joe, have you read it, it doesn't actually say that. Have you read it?
JK I've fucking read it, I've read it.
SB It doesn't say that. Have you read it?
Keep it simple and easy, right? And those of you who know me know that t-shirts are my favorite articles of clothing, hands down. So it was really a no-brainer.
The shirt arrived in a friendly little bag wedged into the mailbox amongst The Wife’s New England Journal of Medicine and US Weekly. Frank came running as I ripped open the bag, searching in vain for food. First impressions were solid. I had in my hands a soft, gray, 100% Cotton Made-in-Mexico masterpiece. As eager as I was to get the testing underway, I first had to head to the washing machine to rid the garment of any lingering manufacturing toxins. Once the cycle was complete, the shirt went into the dryer to shrink to the proper size.
Here’s where I can begin the review. I’m a fairly large dude (6’3”/210) and I like my t-shirts to be size Large. I don’t want the wear an XL sail, but I don’t want to show off too much of my, er, figure by going Medium. So here’s the deal. This shirt is too big. I mean, I wore it and loved it, but it fits more like an XL. Keep this in mind when you buy yours. I’d suggest going a size lower than usual. I rarely choose Medium, but in this case that would have been the better move.
Aesthetically, the thing is a gem. As an Arsenal Man, I’ve got more than my fair share of gear, most of it red. This is nice because it is primarily a soft gray, and the red lettering doesn’t stand out too much. The addition of the swoosh and cannon in gold is inspired as well, and creates a nice contrast. Finally, the crest on the sleeve is a classy touch. I’m pleased with my choice, and glad to have a non-bright red Arsenal clothing option.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. The weight. The weight of a t-shirt is critical for me. Too heavy and the thing feels like a blanket, especially when you start to sweat. Too light and it doesn’t give you enough support. The Nike Arsenal Property Tee splits the difference expertly. It performed quite well on my walk/jog with Frank over to Dave's house for the Arsenal vs. Porto Champions League match on Tuesday. And since the lads won, the shirt gets extra points.
It’s funny, because the Property Tee seems a very
While the secret to Samson’s strength was his hair, the longer Seaman’s locks grew, the more dodgy he became. The Arsenal keeper’s ponytail sunk to its lowest depth at the 2002 World Cup – dangling behind him as he desperately failed to claw out Ronaldinho’s freak free-kick that knocked England out.
Respect is a simple, catchy slogan. Trips off the tongue, stays in the memory. It is a worthy ideal, too, with one small problem. It is not, nor will it ever be, the most important item on the agenda. What football needs now is an alternate, less populist campaign. “Stop trying to break people’s legs, you freaking morons.”