And killer mullets. And currywurst.
Made it. Along the way I learned what is worse than listening to Marcelo Balboa speak. And that is watching his words on closed caption. There was a lot of: MARCELO: WELL, THE... and MARCELO: YEAH, BUT...and MARCELO: BUT, YOU KNOW...
Anyway, it made the poor first-half of England v Paraguay even worse. Until the guy came up to me and asked, "What inning is it?" Honest to God.
Things improved in Newark where I settled in at the bar next to a pleasant Portuguese chap and a great American guy named Dirk. I gave him my Sanford's Soccer Net card (THANK YOU GRANT!!) which was funny. Hopefully I'll run into Dirk in Kaiserslautern or Nurnburg. Anyway, it made for a very nice Paraguay/Sweden. Especially when Freddie sealed the deal for the Swedes.
Anyway, I've purchased my "World Cup Rail Pass" which gives me unlimited train use for my time here. And I'll make the most of it.
I'm currently watching Argentina/S&M at Alec and Simona's flat. Argentian looks bloody good. As of now, they're playing the best football in the tourny, in my opinion. Alec says Spain played just as well, but one match against Ukraine leaves me needing more proof.
Ecuador: Who knew? They couldn't do anything outside of Quito in qualifying yet here they are kicking major ass. Impressive. Speaking of Latin America, I was in line at the train station behind some Costa Ricans. It was sad.
OK, I'm off to central Hamburg with Simona and Alec. We'll meet up with Bjorn (who welcomed me with a smashing breakfast of breads, bacon, turkey, fruit and some weird jelly that looked like agar) and watch the Dutch face Ivory Coast.
Oh yeah, I took the photo in the local shop. Lots of goodies to sample...