Hot on the heals of the Donny Dog affair comes more boob-related scandal in the world of football. To celebrate this month's FIFA Women's World Cup in Germany, the country's version of Playboy decided to help promote Frauenfussball with a photo shoot of some of the national team's younger players. Unsurprisingly they aren't wearing much, and the Deutscher Fussball Bund, who had no knowledge of it, isn't best pleased. ' We didn't ask the DFB - we went direct to the ladies,' said Playboy event manager Nina van Splunter [no, I didn't make up her name]. According to model Kristina Gessat, who plays for Gütersloh, 'the message is, look, we are normal - and lovely - girls'. Sepp Blatter, who once stated women should wear 'more feminine uniforms', is probably over the moon.
The video link is in German, but everything is pretty self-explanatory:
So sexy sind unsere Nationalspielerinnen

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