Monday, December 05, 2011

From the Architect

SSN's Staff Architect Cuban Ken has some interesting offerings...

Pretty handsome stadium our Polish friends have concocted. Modern but still recalls the brutalist architecture so popular in the old Eastern Block. Kinda wonder if that display/audio tower suspended from the ceiling is going to present problems on the field---between it and the cables there are a few shots in the video where it looks like it could interfere with play, though to be fair, in other shots it looks like its well clear of the pitch.

More on the return of Speer: Qatari Emir says "I love my Germans"!

So the Germans finally secure their oil buddies, 70 years too late, foresooth...

Speaking of (in case anyone cares) here's more on Son of Nazi Architect and the carbon neutral hype for the Qatari stadiums---yep that trope is still alive. Gotta wonder when that sheize will go silent---the writer of this article touches on issues that up until now have been addressed with soothing bromides that (very) superficially address some very real problems. (ie. Problem: Its really, really hot in Qatar. Won't that endanger players and spectators? Solution: We'll cool the stadiums mit solar panels, jah? Sehr gut!)

God bless, hope they work it out---sounds like something really admirable and if they pull it off they'll have demonstrated some remarkable construction technology and logistics (likely possible but at enormous, enormous cost). But I wouldn't be surprised at all if the "carbon neutral" stuff is quietly deep sixed in the coming years...

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